Daily Archives: May 17, 2011

The Old Brown Shoe

It was Friday the 13th.
Min & I were stuck in the office till 7pm with endless instructions and double/triple work from a not-thinking and ungrateful person in a region 3.5hrs behind us.

Finally we met up with LL and made our way to The Old Brown Shoe pub in Bukit Timah. It’s a small cozy British-style pub located beside Coronation shopping plaza. It has live band and sports telecast. It is not too packed like the pubs in town, so it’s a nice chill out place after work.

LL recommended the Pimm’s lemonade. It is a gin-based mix with sliced orange, lime, cherry, and cucumber added to it. It’s yummy and we ordered 2 jugs of it.

Their signature dish is the Fish & Chips ($12.50). The menu said that it’s served wrapped in newspaper. I didn’t understand what it meant until I saw them on my table.

The fish & chips was wrapped in a white paper and then the newspaper. It’s a big piece of fish with plenty of fries although it seems small in the photos. We had 2 fish & chips to share.

We ordered a basket of Chicken Wings with Chips ($10.50). That was a big basket of fries! Yummy~ The chicken wings were well marinated. As for the fries, they are so chunky and crispy that will make you skip your no-carb diet.

                                  *apologies for the out-of-focus picture

Next, we had mozzarella pizza ($18) with salami toppings ($2). The think crust pizza was crispy and the salami was so flavorful! We thought this would go very well with beer, so we ordered a Guinness Stout and a Heineken beer too.

We had a salad which I think it came with the pizza. The veggies was fresh and crunchy. Drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, the salad tasted so appetizing.

Guess we ordered too much food and drinks for the night. My stomach was so bloated that I couldn’t even slouch.
Just before we settle the bill, I guess one of the waitresses (pardon me if she is one of the bosses) decided to sing with the live band. She looks like she’s in her late thirties and appeared to be rather shy. Finally the music started and she sang. Oh my.. Her voice was really good! It’s even better than those we heard from the Singapore Idols.  And of course, there was a big round of applause when she finished the song.

Old brown shoe is definitely a pub which I will recommend to my friends who like to chill out. I am sure I will be going there again soon.