Daily Archives: July 3, 2011

Back from the land of smiles

SK is back from the land of smiles.. Landed on the city of no-smile on Saturday morning… Feeling exhausted from the night flight and 7 days of walking…

Here’s my little summary of the likes and dislikes of BKK and SG

Likes of BKK:

– FOOD! It has amazingly yummy food at the lowest price possible.
– People. They are always (in general) smiling and polite.
– Culture. A land of history and culture is a beautiful country.
– Cinema. I ♥♥♥ the Siam Paragon’s Cinema!! It’s so huge and new and comfy! Best of all, it sells Cheese-flavored popcorn! ♥ the sweet and cheese popcorn!
– 7-11 shops. I ♥ the 7-11 in BKK. It sells all sorts of stuff in that little shop. It even has raw vacuum-packed ingredients. Plus there is a great variety of cooked instant food in the chilled section. I could practically survive eating different food from the 7-11 for one month! ♥s

Dislikes of BKK:

– Air pollution. The air is quite bad due to the dust and smoke from all the traffic. The pores on my face are clogged. My nostril is black. I seriously wonder how the Thai ladies maintain their beautiful complexion! *Envious!*
– Lack of escalators. I need to climb 4 flights of 16 steps to get up to the BTS station. Imagine doing that for more than 4 times a day after having walked so much to shop. Thank goodness there are many massage places in BKK. My poor feet and calves are dying.
– Warm and humid weather. It’s really warm and sticky to shop outdoor at this time of the year in BKK. It would be so pleasant to go there in Nov or Dec when the weather is cool.

Likes of SG

– Clean streets and shops. In comparison, the drains, streets and small eateries are cleaner.
– Air-condition
– Safety. Which is what we take for granted.

Dislikes of SG

– Rudeness. We need to smile more. We need to be more polite to one another. We need to buck up in our services.
– Good food are at exorbitant prices.
– Pretty clothes are at exorbitant prices too.
– 7-11 here sux.


I am still sorting out photos and my 2 luggage of stuff. More time is needed before I can blog about my 7 days in BKK.