Daily Archives: July 5, 2011

4-days Diet Plan

Today I made up my mind to start on Min’s diet plan for the week. Since it’s already Tuesday, so it will be a 4-day diet plan.

So the plan is to not take lunch and have light dinner for 4 days. But I can snack on healthy stuff like yogurt, fruit juice or milk during the day if I am hungry.

For today, so far I have taken a small serving of frozen yogurt with cranberries, a cup of white coffee and 2 Godiva dark chocolate pearls.
Lunch time passed really fast because we replaced mealtime with shopping. I stocked up on a tub of non-fat yogurt and orange juice.

But during 3 – 4pm, time seemed to crawl. My mouth was craving for something savory even though I wasn’t hungry at all. I passed by the pantry and my hand involuntarily took a pack of dried banana which my colleague from Thailand brought for us.
Minnie said to blame it on my hand. =P
But I was good, I didn’t eat it. Kept it for dinner later.

I may go for a 5-km jog later if I am not too tired. That will probably help me burn a bit more calories. =)

All the hard work is to prepare us for the big feast on Saturday evening and Monday lunch! So this will be the “detox” week.
*Fingers crossed* that I will stick to the plan.