Daily Archives: July 8, 2011

Baek Doo San Korean Restaurant @ JP

It’s been quite some time since I had dinner with mum. I have cravings for BBQ meat so I decided to have Korean BBQ. Mum said to invite Cousin as well so that we could order more items to share. Cousin suggested going to Jurong Point as there is a Korean Restaurant in JP2 food court.

The restaurant is named Baek Doo San and it is located at Jurong Point 2 level 3, inside the food court.

When we reached the place, there wasn’t any other customer. The waitress showed us to the seat beside the window. I like how the restaurant was brightly lit by the sunlight shining through the window.

I was totally famished after having only yogurt and orange juice for the day. I told my mum to quickly decide on what to eat and place the order really soon.
We looked at the set menus but there were some items which we didn’t like, so we went for ala carte.

The waitress was a Chinese so she couldn’t really understand English. For example she didn’t understand what’s Coke light, she only knew Coke. She also didn’t understand Iced Peach Tea etc., so I placed my order in Mandarin. It didn’t really bother me because I am bilingual. Anyway, if all else fails, just point at the items on the menu. I wouldn’t going ranting about foreign workers, simply because we are not born to know all languages or skills on earth, so just give people the chance to learn as they work. Plus, the waitress was helpful and friendly.

Back to food.

The orders came really quickly, maybe because we were the only customers then.  The crowd only came in later in the evening.

These were the side dishes served to every table. I heard that they are refillable but we only had 1 serving of each.

The tofu was tasteless (according to Cousin). I do not like tofu, so I didn’t try it.
I liked the kimchi. It’s well preserved and crunchy. Not too sour or spicy.
The seasoned ikan bilis were normal. As for the salad, both my mum and cousin liked it. It was made of iceberg lettuce and onions in vinegar and soy sauce dressing. My stomach was growling in hunger after eating the kimchi and salad.

Next, the waitress came with the veggies and sauces (refillable). The bean paste tasted really good. The green chilli and garlic weren’t spicy, so I guess they were from local. The garlic from Korea is spicy and the taste is very strong.

Mum ordered this shredded potato in vinegar. There were also shredded cucumber and carrot in it. This was a yummy appetizer. It was not too sour and I could taste a bit of sweetness in it.

This was the spicy Korean rice cake (dukboki). The rice cake was cooked till softened. Each rice cake was coated with the thick chilli paste sauce. The sauce was mildly spicy and very yummy. The hard boiled egg tasted good with the sauce as well. I like this dish!

Then the marinated pork ($19.80) came. It has 400g of pork. We could have a mixture of beef, chicken and pork, but mum only wanted pork.
The meat was thinly sliced but some of it was in bits.

The waitress on the stove and placed a piece of aluminium foil over the grill.

The heat was high was the sauce was burnt quickly. We requested the waitress to lower the heat. We also placed the enoki and cabbage on the area with extra sauce. This could prevent the sauce from burning and make the veggies tasty. The waitress also came to change the aluminium foil without having us to notify her.

The meat was thinly sliced so it was cooked easily. The pork was tasty as it was well-marinated. And of course, credit must go to me for cooking the meat perfectly. =P

The best part about Korean BBQ is the lettuce. First, place a piece of meat on the lettuce, add a slice of garlic and green chilli, then add some bean paste. Lastly wrap them up in the lettuce and stuff the whole thing into the mouth.
So yummy!

With the lettuce, the meat wouldn’t taste so greasy and I wouldn’t get sick of eating of a lot meat. Mum loves meat wrapped in lettuce and so we ate 2 baskets of veggies.

We ordered 2 bowls of rice ($1 each) to share as well. The rice was very fluffy.

After finishing the meat, I told mum that my stomach still felt hollow. In the end we decided to have a seafood pancake.
So glad that we ordered it, because it’s yummy~
There was a generous amount of prawns in it. The pancake was thin and crispy on the edges.

Mum noticed the condiments at the side of the table. She added chilli flakes to the pancake. It was good! Mum is always good with chilli-associated stuff.

After finishing the meal, we cleaned our hands with the wet napkins (not complimentary). I like the scent of the wet napkins. It removed all the BBQ smell from my hands.

It took us a while to get the bill. Reason being, the other waitresses and waiter didn’t seem to be attending the tables. Most of the time, it was the Chinese waitress who was busy taking orders, serving and cleaning. I wonder why the others weren’t helping.

The total bill was around $46. I think it’s quite reasonable for 3 person except that the drinks were expensive. A can of coke cost $3, and a pot of green tea cost $6.

Here’s 2 pictures of the menu: