Daily Archives: July 19, 2011

BBQ Seafood @ JB

I am loving food from JB! Not only it’s fresh, it’s comparatively a lot cheaper!
For people who are not so familiar with JB, Taman Sri Tebrau Hawker Centre is a good place to go for dinner. The hawker is near to the causeway checkpoint, easy to find and a hotspot for Singaporeans. There are also plenty of stalls to choose from.

This time’s visit, I chose to have the BBQ seafood.  

This is the BBQ Sambal Sotong (RM10). Because of the angle which the photo was taken, the serving size looked much smaller than the actual. It was actually sufficient to feed 3 pax.
The sotong was fresh. The sambal was not to spicy. The belachan was added to the sambal which made it very tasty. Adding lime to this dish made it even more appetizing! I could easily swallow a bowl of rice with this sambal sotong.

I ordered the Cereal Crayfish (RM30). I love it!
The crayfish was coated with egg, curry leaves and cereal which was crispy and tasty. Since the crayfish was chopped into half, it was very easy to remove the meat from the shell. Although it was first fried and then stir fried with the egg and cereal again, the meat was still tender and juicy. ♥ it!
I wished that crayfish would evolve to become small headed with big fat body. =)

A small BBQ Sambal Stingray (RM12). I love stingray! When Mr. Crocodile (Steve Irwin) was killed by stingray years ago, I decided to “take revenge” by eating lots of stingray! Haha… Of course, this is just an excuse for me being such a glutton.

I like eating stingray because it is a cartilage fish. Meaning that it does not have tiny bones like other fish, which makes eating it hassle-free! I could easily separate the meat from the cartilage and stuff the entire piece into my gigantic mouth. =) Mmmmm… Yum!

The stingray was very tender and juicy. I hate how some stalls would over-cooked the fish, causing the meat to become tough. But for this, the fish was nicely cooked. Well-coated with the sambal chilli with a tiny bit of charred taste. Drizzling the lime over the fish made it tastier and less greasy.  

This is the Sambal Kang Kong (RM6). The serving size was a bit small, but since it’s only RM6, I couldn’t complain much right?
You can see from the picture that the veggie was still green, meaning that it wasn’t over-cooked. I don’t know if different types of sambal was used, but they tasted different in the 3 spicy dishes. 
The veggie was slight oily but still tasted yummy.

This is the medium Oyster Omelette (RM8). There was more egg and less starchy compared to the ones I had in Singapore. Oyster was still fresh and the juice would burst in my mouth when I bit it. The omelette was drier since less starch was added. It’s good when eaten with the sour chilli sauce.   

One problem with going to the hawker when I am super hungry is that I will end up ordering too much food. All of the above was meant to be shared between me and my BF. Of course we had a hard time trying to finish all off them. But it was a very satisfying meal!

Last but not least, we had the jumbo sugar cane juice (RM5) to go with all the heaty dishes.

I have posted a driving direction in my previous entry. Just follow the map and you will be able to find the place.