Monthly Archives: August 2011

A Day Round the North Side of SG

Today was an interesting day when we had difficulties settling our dinner.

Since it’s Hari Raya, Dear and I don’t have to work, Dear suggested to go Sunset Grill and Pub at Seletar. He was craving for the spicy buffalo wings.
We set out on the journey to the North around 4pm. I thought that it would be easier to find the place during daytime compared to our previous visit at night. If one have been to that place, one would know that it is quite challenging to find the correct route.
When we reached Seletar, I stretched my neck, pressing my face on the windscreen, trying to see the road signs and names. We saw the road sign to the Singapore Youth Flying Club and followed it.  In the end, it was the wrong route. We had drove all the way to the other side of the airport which is near the road to Yishun Ave 1.

Then we took out the GPS and searched for Singapore Flying Club. Following the instructions, we finally reached the Flying Club. The pathetically small and faded sign of Sunset Grill and Pub was placed unnoticeable among the grass. =___=”
So I thought we could finally get some beer and enjoy the wings. But that’s not the case. Soon, we found ourselves outside the pub which was closed. On it’s door, it said “Closed on Tuesday”.
Great. Of all days, it’s closed on Tuesday. I would have felt better if it’s closed due to public holiday.
Anyway, we weren’t the only disappointed ones. There were several other families and couples who arrived after us.

So we continued our journey to find dinner. Since Jalan Kayu was just nearby, we decided to have prata. The carpark beside the prata shop was surprizingly empty. I started to doubt that the shop was open, as the owners are probably Indian-Muslim. True enough, it’s closed for Hari Raya.
There goes our dinner again.

After moving off from Jalan Kayu, we ended up in Seng Kang area. Dear wondered if there’s anything nice to eat there. I highly doubt so because it’s That part of SG. In the end, we went to Serangoon Garden and had Bakerzin at My Village.

I love the free flow of bread at Bakerzin! *Cheapo Me*
Among all the bread, I love the focaccia bread. So yummy to eat with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. =)

We had the Teriyaki Chicken Pizza. It’s good!
The chicken was tender and juicy, plus the teriyaki sauce was really good! The crust was thin and the melted cheese was yummy. The capsicum was sweet too. Love this oriental pizza~

We stayed there for quite a while because Dear was totally addicted to the game on iPad. It’s a ghost board game which requires a lot of strategy and luck. So far we had not won a single game at the Initiation stage.  =___=”

After the pizza, Dear wanted to have crab. So he drove to Ang Mo Kio and the place he wanted to go but could not recall the name was Mellben Seafood!
I have not had crabs from there yet, so I was really excited. It was 8.30pm and the queue was freaking long. There were at least 20 people in front of us.
Dear joked that he only brought me there to smell the crab.
In the end we gave up waiting since the queue didn’t move at all after 10 minutes.

Such a tiring day just for food. I don’t care. I will definitely go to Sunset Grill and Pub and Mellben again to “revenge” for my wasted trip!

Kiseki Japanese Buffet

Finally I am writing about the buffet lunch at Kiseki (at Heeren B1) which we went on 11 Aug.
I happened to see my friend’s FB post on Kiseki so I checked out its website. After seeing the pictures, I was so tempted to go there.
Since we have half day off on that Thursday, Min, Hua and I went for the buffet lunch.

Lunch was really cheap. It’s only $19.80++.
The restaurant is located at where Marche used to be. It is very spacious and clean. There are many food stations to choose from.

Since we were really hungry, our table was filled within minutes. =)

This is what I like about buffet; I can sample different kinds of food at one price and I can decide on my desired portion size.

For me, all Japanese buffet should start off with salmon sashimi~
Kiseki serves the salmon sashimi in thick cuts. Although the salmon was fresh, it tasted kind of watery.  I wonder why some sashimi tend to taste watery while some has the firm texture. Like the ones from Sakae Sushi, the sashimi is firm and tasty.

Hua had the rosti with sour cream. She said that the ones from Marche is better. Since I am not a fan of rosti, I have no comments for this item.
I have never seen rosti in Japanese buffet, so I guess it’s more of a fusion buffet restaurant so it includes other food like rosti, pizza and pasta.

This is an interesting pizza. The crust tasted like some ready-made pastry crust, and the toppings are ham, mushroom and egg. I didn’t like it. I didn’t like the taste of the crust, because I am more used to the doughy or the thin crust type. The cheese had hardened because it is not one of those cook-to-order item.
Maybe some people will like it, but not for me.

These are the clips found on our table. They are for cook-to-order items. Once the item is ready, it will be served to our table as per the table number on the clip.

I tried the teppanyaki dory fish, chicken and pork. I didn’t take a lot in case they weren’t tasty. But I regretted not taking more because the chicken and fish was really good! The chicken was very tender and the grounded black pepper seasoning was good. The dory fish was slightly crispy on the surface and soft inside. Yummy~ We went for a second serving after that.

My favorite chawanmushi~ It’s not bad, but it could be smoother and less bubbly. Sieving the egg and steaming with a cloth covering it will help reduce the bubbly appearance.

I had my usual dose of cha soba~ I like it that Kiseki places a bowl of wasabi at the soba section. Very thoughtful of them for people who like to add wasabi in their soba.

The prawns and crab from the cold seafood section were good too. The prawns were very firm and sweet and the crab was tasty. We only had half the crab because it was a bit troublesome to crack the shells.

The garlic clams with mushroom was yummy~ SK loves Lala~

These are from the cooked food section.

The garlic rice looked so tempting so I took a small bowl of it with 2 pieces of teriyaki chicken. The garlic rice tasted more like normal fried rice because the garlic taste was a bit mild. Despite that, I still like the rice.
The teriyaki chicken was savory and good too.

This was from the sukiyaki station. As usual, we ordered the sukiyaki with only beef slices. The thinly sliced beef was good. As for the soup, it’s slightly too salty. Maybe it’s not meant for drinking but more of adding flavor to the ingredients.

Ebi tempura~! My favorite too. It has 2 types of ebi tempura: the normal and the spicy type. I prefer the normal tempura because the spicy type was just the addition of spice powder. I could have eaten more of this if I didn’t have so much food to try.

For the pasta, I get to choose the ingredients and then pass it to the staff to cook. There were 2 types of sauces: cream or spicy sauce. I had the cream sauce.
The pasta was good! The cream sauce was really well seasoned, not too thick but just enough to coat the pasta.

We couldn’t resist the pasta, so we had the second serving. This time round, we had more shrimps, mushroom and ham with 3 slices of bell pepper for decoration. Yummy!

After the main courses, it’s dessert time!
There are cakes, ice cream and fruits to choose from.

I like the macha and the black sesame ice cream~ I added raisins as the topping.

There were cute marshmallows at chocolate fondue section!

My grapes coated in chocolate! Yummy!

I didn’t over-eat this time so I could still go shopping after that. I know how terrible it feels if I were to over-eat in a buffet so I controlled myself to only sample the items.  =)

Note: Kiseiki has moved to Orchard Central Level 8 (#08-01/02/03)


Good Bye Tiny…

My smallest terrapin (Tiny) died yesterday…
My bro sms me in the evening to inform me of its death…

My heart sank…
I saw Tiny eating happily on Monday morning… but it suddenly passed away yesterday.. I have no idea how or why it died..

When I got home just now it was placed in a separate pail.
I shook it but it didn’t move. Its eyes were slightly open and it didn’t blink when water gets into the eyes…

I feel sad… Tiny has been with me for so long…