Tag Archives: Chinese

Bean curd and Rojak @ West Coast Hawker

This is another post on my weekend.

Sunday was a lazy day. Having post-trip withdrawal syndrome, I was unwilling to step out of the house. BF finally persuaded me to head out for breakfast cum lunch.

He said to bring me to eat Tou Hua (bean curd). Although I hated bean-made products like bean curd and soy bean milk etc, I still went with him. Simply because I knew I could order other stuff when I get there.
And so he brought me to the West Coast Hawker opposite West Coast Plaza.

Since it was already 2+pm, the hawker centre was not crowded. We sat right in front of the stall.

BF ordered a bowl of bean curd (80 cents). He asked me to try it. Reluctantly, I ate a bit. The bean curd was very smooth and soft. It does not have the over-powering bean taste and the syrup was not too sweet. Not bad.
BF finished it quickly.

This is the problem when you have a too decisive BF. I wanted grass jelly drink, but BF wanted soya bean milk, and so, he came back with this.

BF said this is called “Micheal Jackson” since it’s “black and white”. Meaning black grass jelly in white soya bean milk (70 cents).
I didn’t really like it because it had the bean taste instead of just purely grass jelly drink and sugar syrup. And it’s not as refreshing. Normal BF should get a soya bean milk and a grass jelly drink separately. Especially when he already knew that I am quite repulsive towards soya bean products.
Anyway, I drank some of it.

This rojak stall was just next to the soya bean drinks stall. BF ordered a $3 rojak with chilli.

The word “Rojak” means “mixture” in Malay. This dish is named “Rojak” because it’s a mixture of fruits, vegetable and fried dough fritters in prawn paste sauce. There are also other ingredients such as century egg, dried cuttlefish, cuttlefish and fried bean curd which can be added into the rojak.

Usually I would order just the fried dough fritters (you tiao). But since BF was the one ordering, he got the normal rojak which includes fruits.
The rojak was really good. The sauce was thick with very mild chilli. The fried dough fritters were crispy and the fruits were fresh and crunchy. There was also sufficient crushed peanuts on it. I liked it!

I was greedy and went to get a $3 black fried carrot cake. It was a total waste of calories. I didn’t like it at all. Carrot cake was mushy, and tasted like starch in sweet sauce. Even the egg was over-cooked.

After the meal, we went to West Coast Plaza for a walk. Other than a lot of restaurants and cafes, nothing much to shop there.

We almost got into a car accident while driving out of West Coast road but luckily BF reacted quickly and avoided it.



Hiang Kee Seafood Restaurant @ JB

I was so tired and sweating after the flea market event on Saturday. BF fetch me home and I was so happy to have a good bath before we head out. BF decided to go JB for dinner.

We crossed the checkpoints at around 9pm and was glad that there wasn’t any traffic jam. We went to Taman Sri Tebrau Hawker Centre for seafood dinner. This is a popular place which many Singaporeans like to go.
The stall name is Hiang Kee Seafood Restaurant which opens from 11am till 3am. Excellent place for people who go to JB late at night.

There were a lot of Singaporeans there when I reached at 9.20pm. How do I know those were Singaporeans? I knew when I see the way they dressed and the Singlish they spoke.

Although the stall was very busy, they were very prompt in providing us the menu and taking our order.

There were so many dishes in the menu. I wished I could try all of them, but I don’t have the stomach of a dinosaur.
The dishes were in 3 serving sizes – Small, Medium and Large.

After we placed our order, the boss called the lady from the drinks stall over. We then ordered a large sugar cane juice.

This was the large glass of sugar cane juice which cost only RM5. It was freshly prepared and tasted sweet. There wasn’t too much ice in the glass, so the amount of juice was more than what both of us could finish.

It didn’t take long for the food to come. I only waited for about 5 -10 minutes before the first dish was served.

This was the Baby Sotong (small serving – RM12). The baby squid was deep-fried before stir frying with sweet and sour sauce. The squid was crispy and tasty. The sweet and sour sauce was very appetizing. I like it that they added cucumbers and onions to the dish. Both BF and me couldn’t finish all the squids.

Next was the Sambal Kang Kong (small serving – RM8). The kang kong was stir fried with sambal belachan. It was very yummy! The veggie was still green and crunchy and the sambal was so fragrant.

We also ordered the Cereal Prawns (medium serving – RM27). There were a total of 10 prawns. I totally ♥ this! Firstly, I am a prawn lover. This is one of the dishes I will always order when I eat Zi Char. Secondly, the cereal was so fragrant! I gobbled so much of rice with the cereal. And, most importantly, the prawns were fried till the shells turned crispy but the prawn meat was still juicy and crunchy. I ate them with the shells as well! Thumbs up!

We didn’t order slipper prawns or crabs because we couldn’t finish so much food. So we reserved those for the next visit.

The last dish was Fu Rong Egg (small serving – RM8). The egg was scrambled and fried with shrimps, chilli, onions and spring onions. The egg was a bit dry and not very tasty. I didn’t like it as much as the other dishes.

Wet wipes was provided as well.

The total bill was RM57.80 (RM2.80 for 2 large plates of rice). It was very cheap compared to having these dishes in Singapore’s zi char stall. No wonder so many Singaporeans like this place. The 4 ladies on the next table even ordered up to 8 dishes.

One thing about eating at the hawker centre was that there would be beggars going around asking for money. But they would normally leave you alone if you ignore or reject them. There would also be people going around selling pirated DVDs.

Here’s the direction to Taman Sri Tebrau:

After exiting Malaysia custom checkpoint, drive straight and turn right to Tebrau Highway.

Drive straight on Tebrau Highway. You will pass by Plaza Pelangi which is on your right. Continue straight on Tebrau Highway.

Keep right after passing Plaza Pelangi. Turn Right at the cross junction to Jalan Keris. (If you turn left to Jalan Dato Sulaiman, you will end up at KSL or Holiday Plaza)

Drive a few meters on Jalan Keris and you will see the Taman Sri Tebrau Hawker Centre on your right.

This is how it looks like:

(Picture from Google map)

(Picture from Google Map)

If you pass the hawker centre, you will see a Shell Petrol Station and the Wisma Tiong Hua building. Beside the petrol station you will see Kee Kim Huat stall. It sells very yummy claypot rice and curry fish head.

Ya Wang Herbal Roast Duck @ JB

I read about this herbal roast duck shop from one of the local food blogs. The review was good so I decided to try it.

The shop is very near the causeway but due to the relocation of the Malaysia custom checkpoint, the driving distance is lengthened. It can be quite confusing to drive to Jalan Segget because many of the roads there are one-way. We rely heavily on the GPS and looking out for road signs along the way.

I guess the simplest route is to drive along Jalan Wong Ah Fook, turn left into Jalan Trus, and then drive in Jalan Segget. Once you reach the place, look out for a giant roast duck sign board.

The shop was air-conditioned, so no worries even if it’s a hot sunny day. The shop was old but still considered clean. The staffs were friendly. Prices of the dishes were listed on the menu board on the wall, so you don’t have to worry about being over-charged.

We ordered set meal for 2 @ RM38. The set consists of a serving of soup, veggie, tofu, herbal duck and rice for 2 people.

Herbal duck for 2. The serving size was quite big. The duck was marinated and roasted then served with herbal sauce. The duck skin was still crispy and the meat was tender. Quite yummy. The sauce tasted good with the white rice.

This is the claypot tofu with seafood. It came bubbling hot in the claypot. There were sliced fish (fresh), carrot, 2 big pieces of fried tofu, fresh prawn, fresh sotong, and the gravy was good! SK is not a tofu-person but I ate this because the gravy was yummy.

This is stir fried sweet potato leaves with garlic. I liked this veggie because the chef did not over cook the leaves. They were still green and very fragrant.

Watercress with pork ribs soup. Each person had 1 serving of the soup. It tasted good. The soup was not diluted and not too salty. The watercress was soft and the pork rib was tender. I finished all of it. Yum~

I ordered a glass of iced lemon with sour plum drink. I love it! Very appetizing and refreshing.

I think that the meal was really cheap compared to Singapore. It only cost RM38 (excluding drink) for 2 person. A plate of duck rice in Singapore could easily cost $4 – $4.50 and the quality may not be as good.
SK ♥ food in Malaysia!