Tag Archives: Dessert

Creamy Cheesecake~

Mc cafe


Mc Cafe is having this little promotion: A small mochaccino and a slice of cheesecake for only $6.50~

Love the creamy cheesecake! The mochaccino is good without having to add more sugar~

A Slightly Too Heavy Supper

Was supposed to go JB with Jason last night for supper but the traffic jam at the causeway was too scary. It’s as though 10% of the population is heading to Malaysia for the long weekend. LOL!

We detoured to Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe in North Point shopping mall instead. It’s actually great that the cafe opens till 4am for hungry night owls like us.
Not wanting to have rice or noodles, I decided to go for snacks like a french toast and a dessert. It wasn’t long before I totally regretted placing those orders.

french toast

This is nothing like the usual french toast I have. It’s almost like an entire loaf of bread, dipped in egg, fried to golden brown, and then topped with mayonnaise and pork floss. OMG!
I thought they were serving me tahu telur or something…
And guess what? It smelt and tasted of fried chicken.
Yep, I had a french toast with fried chicken flavor. LOL! Obviously the kitchen was using the same pot of oil to fry chicken and my french toast. I got Jason to try it so he would be convinced that I wasn’t lying.
I still prefer the normal thin sliced french toast. Imagine fried bread + mayonnaise + pork floss? It can totally make it into thisiswhyyourefat.com.
I only managed to eat about 1/3 of it before I gave up. I felt as if I need to walk home from Yishun just to burn a tiny bit of the calories consumed.

mango sago

I was glad that I had the mango sago. The sweetness helped to neutralize the jerlat feeling from eating the french toast. Love the mango ice cream and and chewy sago. It would be perfect if they don’t add in the pomelo because SK doesn’t like pomelo.

beef horfun

Jason had the beef hor fun which was served in a huge plate. It’s probably about 2 times the usual portion. LOL! It’s the first time I see him eat so much carbs. I bet he is going to gym non-stop after that.

Bak Chor Mee @ Hong Lim

Bak Chor Mee

Lunch for Saturday afternoon was Bak Chor Mee (minced pork noodles) from Hong Lim Food Centre. It’s one of the places which sells yummy noodles. Since it’s weekend, the queue was pretty long but totally worth the wait. I love mushrooms and the braised mushroom added to the noodles was delicious. I bet they must have been boiling in the gravy for hours. The only thing missing is pork lard. It would be wonderful if they could add some pork lard in it~
SK is disregarding the health of her cardiovascular system~


Later in the afternoon, we went to the dessert hut. I got the mango sago with crushed ice. Other than having too much ice, the mango puree was creamy and sweet. Plus, I like the tadpole-looking colored jellies!

sesame paste

Pakcik, the elderly, had the warm sesame paste. It was very rich and mildly sweetened. Quite comforting to drink it during rainy days.