Tag Archives: Hotel

Melaka 2D1N Trip

This was an impromptu or semi-impromptu short trip to Melaka with Hua. It started with me having post holiday syndrome and then saw pictures of chicken rice in instagram. Yep, instagram is evil. It makes my mind go crazy. It’s like showing pictures of sweets to a drooling kid but don’t give him/her the real thing. ARGH…
Anyway, to stop myself from going crazy, I whatsapp Hua and jio her to go Melaka with me.

We bought the coach from Grassland Express & Tours Pte Ltd to Melaka and coach from Konsortium Express & Tours Pte Ltd to return to Singapore. Don’t ask why I didn’t book the return ticket from Grassland, otherwise I might get angsty again.
So on that Saturday, we took the coach from Boon Lay Shopping Centre at 8am.

bus ticket

We didn’t take pictures of the coach because we were so sleepy. It’s not our habit to wake up that early on weekends.

The coach was really slow. We only reached Yong Peng after 2.5 hours (without any traffic jam). During the Yong Peng stop, Hua and I went to get Ramly burger.

ramly burger

This is probably the most expensive and unique Ramly burger (RM5.90) ever. Not only the egg is cooked separately from the patty, there’s even cabbage in it. Luckily it didn’t taste too bad.

We finally reached Melaka at 1pm. That’s a long 5 hours ride on the coach. Or I should say slow coach. Previously, I took a Malaysia coach from Larkin, and it only took less than 3 hours to reach Melaka.

Our hotel in Melaka is Hatten Hotel. The check-in process was quick and we were given a deluxe room in level 16 (highest room is level 21). The hotel is very new and clean. Staff were all very friendly and helpful. For a moment I thought I was in Thailand, the land of smiles~

Hatten Hotel 1

I took this photo from the room door. There’s a sofa area with a TV on the wall.

Hatten Hotel

Next to the door is the mini bar area.

Hatten Hotel 2

That’s our King bed with another TV mounted on the wall.

Hatten Hotel 3

Toilet is pretty spacious and clean, but without bathtub.

Hatten Hotel 4

Hatten Hotel 5

We had partial sea view from our hotel room. =)


The weather was hot and so we were more than happy to have a good shower before we head out for our chicken rice.

Hatten hotel is conveniently located just next to the shopping malls, and 5-10 mins walking distance to the Jonker street.
Our first stop was to the Chung Wah Chicken Rice shop which is next to the Hard Rock Cafe and facing the San Shu Gong shop. If you can’t locate the shop, just look for the long queue which sometimes stretches to the Hard Rock Cafe.

Chung Wah Chicken Rice Melaka

We queued for about 20 mins before getting a table. The standard (minimum) set for 2 pax is half a Hainanese Chicken and 10 rice balls.

Chung Wah Hainanese Chicken Rice

That’s the half chicken and my plate of 5 rice balls.

Chung Wah Hainanese Chicken

I will never forget the taste of Chung Wah’s chicken. The meat is so tender, even the breast meat is moist. Minimal fats under the yummilicious chicken skin. And the gravy is to die for.
(For readers who can’t under the emoticon above, obviously you are too young. LOL~)

Chung Wah Hainanese Chicken Rice Ball

The small firmly rolled chicken rice balls are the best~ These fish ball looking rice taste good on its own, but best when dipped in the chicken gravy and chilli sauce. Yep, the chilli sauce, spicy but addictive. If you can’t take spicy food, shame on you! LOL~ Just kidding…
It’s just you missing out one enjoyment in life. =P


I asked for lime juice, but the drinks uncle said that they no longer sell that because it’s too much work and they have too many customers to cope. So they only have homemade herbal tea or barley. Even coffee and tea has ran out.
Wow~ Chung Wah is really that popular!

In my previous trip to Melaka, I tried Famosa chicken rice. Personally, I think Chung Wah is way better in terms of the texture of the chicken and fluffiness of the rice balls.

After our very satisfying meal in Chung Wah, we head over to the Jonker street to start our shopping.


As we passed by San Shu Gong, we bought a fish-shaped kaya pancake to share. That’s dessert, I guess. =)

Jonker Street

Walking down Jonker street, we were attracted by these Mak Mak shops that sell all the vintage toys~ From paper dolls, to marbles, to tikam tikam, to gasing. These toys brought back so much childhood memories! I remember how I used to get coins from my parents and run to the shop to get snacks and try my luck at the tikam tikam. Sometimes I get to win a sweet, but most of the time it’s “Thank you for playing”. LOL~
This is way better than those iPad games which parents give to their children nowadays. *roll eyes*

Jonker Street 1

Jonker Street 2

Jonker Street 3

Love the vintage car models and cute soft toys! I bought a few mini legos, cheap tank tops and freshly baked pastries from Jonker street.

We walked one round and back to San Shu Gong to grab all the goodies and coffee powders before heading back to our hotel. Needa bathe and recharge before we return for the street food at night!


After resting, we head up to the hotel’s rooftop bar to get our welcome drink.


Hatten hotel roof

Hatten hotel Rooftop bar

welcome drink

The rooftop bar is a nice place to chill out. It has a clear view of the Melaka city.

city view

city view 2

After the drink, we went back to Jonker street for the street food. The stalls will only be set up after 6pm, and the whole street will be so packed that it’s a challenge to walk through. I really wonder how some parents can bring their little kids there and attempt to push the prams. Maybe the prams are acting as a bulldozer?

Later that night, we went to Capitol Satay Celup for lok lok. I told Hua that I will not go home if I didn’t eat that. LOL~
The queue at 10.30pm was horrible. We waited for an hour before we finally got in. The satay sauce was good and the staff kept helping us stir it to prevent it from burning on the bottom of the pot. My favourite item is the fried youtiao which will absorb the yummy satay sauce~
No pictures for the lok lok because Hua hasn’t sent me any yet.
(Hua, are you feeling guilty now?)

We were soooo bloated after the lok lok supper, and were dragging our feet back to the hotel. I would say that the streets are relatively safe, but we were still on our guards as there were just 2 of us.


We had a good night sleep and almost didn’t want to wake up. See our puffy faces from waking up early.

Hatten Hotel Breakfast

Breakfast buffet was at Chatterz. It’s a really big dining area with a good selection of international cuisine. It’s nice that they allocate the table for us so that it wouldn’t be so chaotic when there are plenty of kiasu tourists around.

Hatten Hotel Breakfast 2

Hatten Hotel Breakfast 1

There are Chinese, Malay, and western selections. I skipped the salad section and went straight for the eggs and porridge.

Hatten Hotel Breakfast 3

Scrambled eggs section had a super long queue, so I took the soft boiled eggs instead. It’s so yummy that I had 2 servings of it.

Hatten Hotel Breakfast 4

The Malaysian style of eating soft boiled eggs is to add light soy sauce and pepper. In Singapore, it is more common to eat with dark soy sauce and pepper. I prefer the saltier version. Thanks to my heritage~

Hatten Hotel Breakfast 5

Porridge is nice with 3 types of eggs: Fried egg, century egg and salted egg.

We finished breakfast and went for last minute clothes shopping in the malls. Our coach leaves at 2.20pm from Equatorial Hotel. We requested for late check-out and then walk over to Equatorial Hotel (5 mins walk) to catch the coach.

I really like the short food trip to Melaka and taking coach from Boon Lay is so convenient for us. I guess it won’t be long before I return for more chicken rice!!

My Wedding Plan – Draft Stage 2

A bit of updates to my wedding plan. 3 months have disappeared and I have not done much detailed planning for the big day. The biggest amendment is the wedding date which we have brought forward to early Jan 2015. The is due to some Chinese zodiac and feng shui thingy which doesn’t allow me to get married in the year of Goat, hence we have to get it done in this year of Horse. It’s supposed to be a very good year for me (born in the year of Cow), so I better believe the advice (from a master in Taipei) than to regret later. As such, I am left with very limited time to source all the wedding stuff and I am so feeling the pressure now.

Ok, first of all, the banquet.
Our first choice, The Sentosa Resort, is out of our list due to it’s renovation plan. The coordinator advised us to seek other hotels as the management still could not fix the renovation start date for year 2015. I was so disappointed when I got the news because I really like the Garden Villa. =(
Oh well…

We then started to do our research again for other hotels and these are some examples.

Grand Copthorne Waterfront:
We pretty much strikeout this hotel from our list because of the hike in banquet price. Seriously, this hotel has increased its price way too much (in my opinion) compared to year 2013. Also, I don’t like the fact that they charge 50% of the food tasting when all other hotels are giving it complimentary.

M Hotel:
We attended the wedding showcase earlier this month. There are 2 ballrooms: Anson Ballroom and Banquet Suite. We like the Banquet Suite because the ceiling is higher, there is no pillar in the ballroom, we can have the whole level to ourselves for the event, enough space for the pre-drinks reception, and its location is very centralized. We tried the food at the wedding showcase and it’s not bad. Price per table is reasonable too ($1098++). The only downside is we need to have a minimum of 25 tables. This is 5 tables more than our planned guest lists.
So, we are keeping this as our back-up hotel.

Fort Canning:
We are attending the wedding showcase on 26 Apr, hopefully there are more perks. So far we are quite attracted by the package and the price ($1268++, min 18 tables). For me, I am a sucker for complimentary additional night stay in the bridal suite, helpers’ room and pre-drinks. And, with the new tax increase for alcohol, things like free-flow of beer and/or wine is a big plus point.
Since we have not seen the ballroom, we can’t be 100% sure that we will go for this hotel. Also, transportation for the guests will not be as convenient compared to other hotels in town.

This is also another hotel which we are interested in. I was attracted by the bridal suite in MBS and the wedding wishes (1 additional night stay in bridal suite, 1 complimentary house wine per confirmed table, candy station for up to 50 guests, etc.) which I can choose from. The price is slightly higher ($1388++) but if the ballroom is pretty and the perks are good, we will go for it.

Grand Hyatt:
We went for the wedding showcase on 09 Mar and seen the newly renovated ballroom. The one on level 1 is The Gallery. It has a Loft Kitchen, a Lounge, two Ateliers and Galleries. I like the ateliers because solemnization can be held there (complimentary) and it comes with a changing room and toilet.
The more interesting and newer ballroom is on level 2 Grand Salon. It comes with a show kitchen featuring a customised stage. The partition can be opened during the dinner where the servers will appear with the first course and dramatised with dry ice. There is also a glass partition which will block out the kitchen noise for the rest of the dinner. The kitchen can also be converted into a dessert buffet space (with a top-up cost) at the end of the wedding dinner. Solemnization can be held in one of the Salons and also comes a changing room and toilet.
One of the perks they offer is free flow martini bar for 1 hour before the dinner. We tried the martinis during the wedding showcase and they are pretty good. Actually we love the venue but the only problems are they are tentatively booked on the date we chose and the price is a little steep ($1588++ for Sat, min 20 tables).

Anyway, we sampled some of the food and here are the pictures:





That’s about it for the venue sourcing. Once we confirmed the venue, I will have to start to worry about the other items:
– Wedding Gowns
– Bridal make-ups
– Wedding Decor
– Bridesmaid dresses
– etc.

Wedding Plan – Draft Stage

The past 2 months I have been busy. Busy with work travels, audits, meeting up with friends, getting excited over bff’s wedding plans, and also my own wedding in 2015. Yep, in case I have not mentioned before, Pakcik proposed to me during the trip to Milan, on the roof of Duomo di Milano. *Yeah~*

Friends said to start early in planning the big day, but hotels banquet coordinators aren’t entertaining me much when they heard that it’s not in 2014 (that annoys me). I am trying to be kiasu because I don’t want to ruin my wedding plans just because there is no venue available for the banquet, gowns designs aren’t available, or spend extra unnecessary bucks because it’s late minute etc.

Ok there’s a lot of stuff in my head… and so I shall pen them down one by one.

Banquet Venue

For banquet venue, this really gives us a big headache. Basically, we are doing a small celebration of about 18-20 tables. (Initially, the MIL didn’t want to invite any of her relatives. Reason: it’s not nice to invite only the elders. The entire “village” has to be invited if we are holding a banquet. I mean seriously? It’s 2013 and no one will invite the entire family clan anymore! Unless both of us are millionaires, otherwise who can afford a 80-100 tables to accommodate the 2-3 generations of relatives. Plus, with my attitude and temper, I would probably release dogs to herd the wild kids running about at MY wedding banquet. Anyway, we agreed on 11 tables since none of his relatives will be invited.

Then guess what? After I have spent countless of hours sourcing for small venues, the MIL decided that it’s ok to invite only the elders and now the total number of tables increased to 15. Great… so I have to dump my research, and start all over again. And many hotels don’t cater to only 15 tables so we had to increased it to 18-20 tables. Sigh… How many centuries must it take to let the parents understand that it’s the couple’s wedding, not theirs! They should have already invited all their friends at their own wedding party, so now it’s for OUR friends and people WE like.

Thank goodness my parents understand this.

Ok, back to the venue. After searching through all wedding websites, hotels, etc. We narrowed down to these few hotels which can accommodate 18-20 tables and have a decent ballroom and food. No point having a fantastic ballroom but the food sucks.

Our first choice is The Sentosa, Beaufort Hotel.
We went to its wedding show and I immediately fell in love with the place. There are 3 different themes to choose from and they have their own bakery for pre-dinner reception, which means I don’t have to source for external vendor.

Ballroom: Beaufort Ballroom (10-14 tables), Straits Ballroom (20-26 tables)
Solemnization: A good variety of outdoor and indoor places for solemnization
Food: Pretty good food served during the wedding show food sampling
Coordinator: Thaqifah was in-charge of us. She is very patiently, friendly, and replies promptly to emails. Great hospitality.
Service Crew: Very professional and attentive
Room: Bridal Suite or top up for Garden Villa

The only reason that we hadn’t sign the contract is due to the hotel’s renovation plan. As we planned to have our wedding in March 2015, the hotel might not be ready yet. I am waiting anxiously for the confirmed renovation dates and book that venue.

Our second option is Park Royal at Pickering.

Ballroom: William & Pickering Ballroom (minimum 20 tables)
Solemnization: No idea about this because I have not arranged for site visit
Food: Have not tried
Coordinator: Have not liaise with any yet
Service Crew: No idea yet
Room: Bridal Suite

The reason I put this hotel as the 2nd choice (for now) because the hotel is relatively new. I prefer new ballroom and bridal suite. But wait till I arranged for a site visit, then I will decide if this will remain in my list.

Our back-up option is Grand Copthorne Waterfront.

Ballroom: Galleria /Riverfront /Waterfront Ballroom (depending on no. of tables)
Solemnization: Promenade (additional cost regardless of weather)
Food: Not bad (experience from friend’s wedding)
Coordinator: Have not liaise with any yet
Service Crew: No idea yet
Room: Bridal Suite

This is the back-up because of the more economy banquet pricing and the  availability of smaller ballrooms to accommodate our small party. Holding the banquet here will be more of a mediocre event because this hotel is used for too many functions, just me alone, I have already attended wedding, D&D and forums here. Therefore, it lacks the wow factor. Plus, food tasting is charged at 50% of the cost. =__=”

Another back-up is Holiday Inn Atrium

Ballroom: Seletar Ballroom (16-18 tables), Changi Ballroom (20-24 tables)
Solemnization: An open air area behind Changi Ballroom (additional cost regardless of weather)
Food: Not bad (experience from wedding show)
Coordinator: Didn’t have good experience with the coordinators. The moment they heard that our wedding is not in year 2014, they started pushing us around to which ever coordinator who is free. They gave me the impression that they are desperate to meet the quota for the year 2014 banquet and had no time to entertain us. Seriously, I wouldn’t feel comfortable trusting such coordinators in handling my wedding banquet.
Service Crew: So so.
Room: Bridal Suite

I am keeping this hotel in the list for worst case scenario. The only plus point is the pricing of the banquet, and that’s all. The decoration showcased during the wedding show was pretty pathetic. I probably have to dump in thousands of dollars in decoration if I were to choose this place.

The second that troubles me is the wedding gown. I would need a white wedding gown, a Kua dress, an evening gown, and groom’s suit. After going to several wedding shows, the bridal shops are more keen in selling their package which includes pre-wedding shoots. Both Pakcik and I have no interest in taking pre-wedding shoots. We only want the actual day photography and videography.

So here’s some pros and cons of bridal packages:

The typical (even the famous ones) bridal shops sells package ranging from $3988 – $6988 for local photo shoots, wedding gowns, groom’s suit and make-ups. But, I don’t like their gowns. If I go for the average package, the gowns are mostly off the rack (OTR), and the material are not fantastic. Those gowns make look nice in photos, but on the actual day, they will look “cheap” for the amount that I have to pay. And the groom’s suit will look mediocre or (my most hated) glossy looking suits. =___=”

If I were to take the more expensive packages, I will get to choose from the designer range OTR gowns. But these packages are really expensive.

These packages usually cost lesser than ala carte.

My alternatives are:

1)      Go ala carte.
2)      Source for decent bridal shop in JB that can cater to my preference for wedding gown.

For going ala carte, I already have a gown designer in mind: Bridal Veil by Michelle Huimin. I noted the design on wedding websites and chance upon it when I accompany my bff to choose her gown in Delfi Orchard. I love the simple yet elegant gowns, and best of all, they are all made to measure (MTM)! I have read good reviews about Bridal Veil, and when I popped into the shop (without appointment) that day, bff and I were greeted warmly by one of the staff and she patiently introduced the gown designs and informed that appointment is required to discuss in details about the prices and packages available.

I got to know that the basic package includes 1 wedding gown (rented), 1 evening gown (take home), 1 suit (take home) and make-ups. This package costs $3980, big ball gowns will be an addition of $1000, additional lace/Swarovski will be charged accordingly.

Although it is quite pricey, but the gown material looks fantastic and they are MTM! I think I will have use all my 28 years of persuading skills to convince Pakcik to use this bridal shop. After all, I am only getting married once, and I believe that I deserve a gown of my choice. Plus, I think Pakcik will look awesome in MTM suit.

For the JB option, I think it will take me ages to find a bridal shop that does MTM according to the designs I like. Which is why I have to start searching now.

For videography and photography, I will be using the one which my friend introduced. Yeah~ At least there is one item off the checklist.

The remaining items to think about are:

– Bridesmaids’ dresses
– Mum’s gown, dad’s suit
– Bridal car flower deco
– 2 Parties Meet the Parents session
– Guo Da Li