Tag Archives: IBP

Lunch is My Favorite Time of the Day

I bet a lot of people will agree with me that lunch is the best time of the day.
It’s the time to relax a bit after working hard in the morning, plus it’s time to catch up with colleagues and enjoy good food.

So for Monday’s  lunch, I had my usual Chicken Ee Mee Soup. I have this almost every single day that the lady at the stall remembers my order (as well as ah Hua’s and Min’s).

Since they are quite generous with the noodles, I had to tell the lady to put less noodles. The greatest pleasure will be looking for the whole egg yolk (unbroken) and then savour it with a bit of soya sauce. Yum~
The soup is so yummy that I will always drink all of it and end up not being able to finish the noodles.
The chicken is best eaten with the orange chili sauce from the stall and some siriracha chili sauce!

After lunch, ah Hua took out her handmade chocolate cereal~!

We love her chocolate cereal because it’s so crunchy and not too sweet!

She even decorated the chocolate cereal with very pretty toppings. =)

Minnie made herbal tea eggs! Yummy~

It’s so good to have friends who know how to cook!

For Tuesday, I was too tempted by the food blog I read and so I decided to have it for lunch. The entry was regarding the spaghetti from TCC.

Tah Dah~!
Mentaiko Spaghetti with Salmon Tataki~!

The sauce with mentaiko was super delicious even though I packed it back to office~!  The salmon tataki was nicely seared on the sides and tasted so soft and good. Yummy!

Ah Hua had the TCC card, so I got 15% off for the spaghetti.
I want to go TCC again soon!

Harry’s Bar @ IBP

Lunch was at Harry’s Bar in IBP today. It’s my first time eating in Harry’s Bar.

I saw a number of Caucasians drinking beer at 12 noon. I wish I could do the same too~
But I will most likely be drunk over lunch.

Minnie recommended the Jazz Burger and the Tandoori Chicken Salad, but after browsing through the menu, I was very tempted to get the Steak Sandwich.
And so, here comes the Steak Sandwich:

On the menu it says “Marinated sirloin with sauteed mixed peppers and onions, gratinated with cheese, on a light and tasty Turkish bread. Served with fries.”

I love the turkish bread! The surface was crunchy but the inside was soft and moist. The steak was slightly dry but tasted good with the peppers and onions. The sandwich was big. I couldn’t finish all of it so I had to forgo some bread and fries. I wished I could finished those fries because they were so dense and crispy.

The Tandoori Chicken salad and Creamy Mushroom Pasta looked good as well. Next time I will try them!

Min had the legendary Jazz Burger. Look how thick and juicy the patty was. I didn’t try it because I was too busy with my sandwich, so this item is on my must-try list for my next visit!

Anyway, since I couldn’t have alcohol during lunch, I ordered a glass of diet coke. Guess how much it was? $5.
Yes, I paid $5 for a glass of diet coke with a lemon wedge. Somehow I felt that I should have beer instead.
Oh well…


Viva Vox Cafe

Happy that ah Hua can lunch with me today again~

Earlier in the morning when I was on my way to work, I saw the set lunch for the day in Viva Vox was Prawn Aglio Olio. Feeling pasta-ish today, I got ah Hua to go there for lunch. =)

We made the right choice indeed~ The food was good! =)

The aglio olio smelled so nice. When I was looking at the menu, I already smelt it because the lady at the next table had the same pasta.
There were 3 fat and juicy prawns in the pasta. The spaghetti was al dente, and each strand was coated nicely with the olive oil. The generous amount of garlic made the pasta so yummy~
I added more Parmesan cheese because I love it cheesy.
The chili wasn’t spicy, it would be even better if it’s spicy.

Ah Hua loves the aglio olio a lot.

Today’s dessert is the tiny swiss roll. I love it a LOT!
The cake part was so soft and fluffy. The vanilla taste was just right and the creamy was yummy!
Once again, I wished it was bigger, like 10 cm long or something.

I am starting to love Viva Vox more. I am sure to try their lasagna next time.