Tag Archives: Soup

Weekend Lunch

Pakcik brought me to Bukit Panjang for lunch. He found a stall which sells spicy noodles when he was lunching with his colleagues. It is located at block 163A Petir Road in Bukit Panjang.

Apparently, the noodles is very famous and there was already a queue when we reached there around noon. It is called 可口面 (delicious noodles).

The instant noodles is used, and the soup tasted like prawn stock with lots of chilli in it. There are a generous amount of ingredients in it: pork, prawn, pig liver, egg and veggies. The portion is so big that I could hardly finish half of the noodles.

This is really an interesting way to cook instant noodles. Do give it a try if you happen to be in Bukit Panjang. There is also a non-spicy version of it.

Plus, the dim sum in the same coffee shop tasted good as well. I had the siew mai and braised chicken feet for only $1.50 each.

Song Fa Bak Kut Teh

Went to Rocher road for bak kut teh at Song Fa. I love the strong peppery soup and the extremely tender pork ribs. Since SK is such a soup lover, half of Pakcik’s soup also went into SK’s stomach. Yum~

Soup Restaurant @ JP

Had dinner with mum, bro and pakcik today. Initially I wanted to bring mum to the Crystal Jade steamboat buffet in Holland V, but that outlet forever doesn’t pick up the phone. Since I couldn’t make a reservation there, we decided to go Soup Restaurant in Jurong Point instead. My mum loves the samsui ginger chicken there anyway.

We had a reservation at 7pm so we didn’t have to queue. Mum chose the set dinner for 3 and added 1 ala carte spinach. From experience, we knew that if we were to get the set dinner for 4, there would be leftovers.

Here’s the Samsui Ginger Chicken. As usual, the meat was extremely tender and smooth. Since it’s steamed/boiled chicken, SK didn’t have to worry about extra calories count. I totally love the minced ginger, it made the chicken so tasty and brought out the sweetness of the meat.
I wonder if it’s just me, or did the portion size shrink?

The set dinner includes a bowl of soup for everyone. This was the Double Boiled Waisan & Ginseng Roots with Chicken Soup. Oh, so herbal~
My mum used to cooked this soup for us, but of course, her version was much concentrated than this.
The soup was good, but the chicken in it was way too tough.

The next item was this tofu which I don’t remember the name. Anyway, all 4 of us felt that it was not worth the effort eating it. The gravy was too watery, the tofu was bland and had broken into pieces. Since SK already dislike tofu, I skipped this dish all together. It was Pakcik and bro who managed to finish it so as to not waste food.

We added an ala carte Poached Baby Spinach with Conpoy in Century & Salted Egg Stock. It was not bad, but one can easily cook this at home. Nothing special about it. Plus, it was too soupy.

This is how the dish looked like in the menu. I think the difference between the actual dish and the picture is kinda too great. Felt “cheated”. LOL…

Here’s my favorite dish – Ah Gong Fan Shu Ye (spicy sweet potato leaves). Mum felt that it was a bit too sweet, but I liked it anyway. It reminds me of the sambal sweet potato leaves that my grandpa cooks every time we visit him. My grandpa grows sweet potatoes in his yard and so we always have plenty of fresh leaves to eat. =)
SK needs to visit grandpa real soon!!

The last dish from the set dinner was Curly Garlic Prawns with whelk meat. I would highly recommend this dish because the gravy was so good! With that savory garlic gravy, one could easily gobble down 2 big bowls of rice (which was my bro did…). The prawns were peeled, so no worries about shells, and they were fresh and crunchy. Yummy!

It was a very satisfying meal which only cost us $100+. I think the next time we will choose ala carte instead of set menu so that we can choose all our favorite dishes.

P.S: the service in this outlet was very good. Thumbs up!