Daily Archives: July 11, 2011

Result of the 4-day Diet Plan and Marché Dinner

So the 4-day diet plan officially ended on Friday (08Jul2011).

Friday’s lunch was a bit more than the usual. This was because LL wanted to surprise Min (even though LL knows about our diet plan), she ordered delivery of McNuggets and Cinnamon Melts.
And so, we each had 2 nuggets. I ate the most cinnamon melts. *GUILTY*

I finally weigh myself before the “celebration” dinner. I lost 1 kg!
I am back to the pre-BKK trip’s weight! *3 cheers to SK*

Therefore, to “celebrate” my victory, I told BF that I wanted to have steamboat for dinner. Sadly, he rejected the proposal because he said that we would end up over-eating.. (Suddenly I felt the lost of meaning of life… =____=”)
He decided to go Marché instead, and asked me where Marché is located.
I think he has somehow regarded me as the “Hungry-go-where directory”. He likes to ask me where the food places are. =___=”

Anyway, since it’s kinda congested in Orchard Road, we went to the Marché in Vivocity.

As usual, the queue was very long. It was 6.50pm, the place was filled with hungry people just like me. I thought of eating that cow outside Marché while queuing up.
My starving mind came up with ways that it thought could get us into the restaurant faster… for example:
Me:”Do you think they will let me in immediately if I faint of starvation now?”
BF:”No. They will get you an ambulance”

Me:”If I start eating those potatoes (decoration for the signboard), will they let me in?”
BF:”No. But you can eat those oranges (decoration for the signboard) and drink water from the fountain as well.”

Finally we got into the restaurant. Seems like it’s always easier to get a table of 2 compared to 3 or 4.
We were sitting next to the cooked veggie section. The potatoes and mushrooms looked so good. But we did not get any of that though.

I went around the restaurant and decided on the fried calamari ($13.90). I placed my order and was told to return 7 minutes later to collect the calamari. I went back to the table while BF went to order his food. While waiting, I saw a lot of people order the Rösti, but I didn’t felt like having it that day. My mind was filled with the savory crepe.

I was contemplating whether to get a salad or a savory crepe. I knew the portion of calamari would be quite big, and if I order a crepe, I would not be able to finish it. But salad was so not tempting for my extremely hungry stomach.
Finally it’s time to collect the calamari. I walked past the savory crepe section and gave in to its aroma.

I ordered the roasted chicken crepe with add-on mushrooms (about $12).

The crepe was still as yummy! Although this time the cheese was not evenly spread out. Once in a while I would have a chunk of harden cheese in the crepe. I think that the crepe I had previously was done better. Because the cheese was fully melted and still soft when I eat it.
As for this, other than the cheese part, it was still good. The white creamy mushroom sauce enhanced the taste of the crepe.

Since the crepe was so big, I could only finish half of it and left the other half for BF.

This is the fried calamari. It was good too! The calamari was cut into thick pieces and fried to golden brown. The batter tasted good but it would separate from the calamari easily. I took the tartar sauce for dipping. It was creamy but not too heavy.
Portion wise, that basket of calamari could be shared among 3 person. So me and BF had some difficulty finishing it after eating our mains.

BF’s main was the half grilled chicken ($10.90). The chicken was very tender and tasty. I liked it with the brown sauce but BF preferred chilli sauce.
The bone area was still reddish. I do not like to see red bones in chicken. Unlike beef, I prefer chicken to be more cooked.

Anyway, I normally wouldn’t order a half chicken because it’s kinda tiring to cut the chicken. I prefer chicken cutlet which is so convenient to eat! *Lazy me*

BF couldn’t finish the other half of the crepe. He gave me back 1/4 of it. Plus he kept “secretly” put the remaining calamari on my plate while I was looking around or drinking the root beer.  =_____=”
The sky was already dark, so I gave up on the rest of the food.

Satisfied and bloated look of the both of us.