Aston Express @ Clementi

Went to Aston express at Blk 328 Clementi Ave 2. It was located near the fish shop that BF always patronize. He always goes there to buy fish food and new fighting fish.

I wanted to have steak, so I told BF to order for me. I forgot to tell him that I want it medium-rare, so he ended up getting a medium steak for me. He said that I would get mad cow disease if I keep eating uncooked beef. =__=”
Hey… Having it medium-rare is how you get to appreciate the beef ok…

I didn’t really like the steak from this Aston outlet. The steak was tough even though it was still pink in the center. The mushroom sauce was too starchy. I think the Jurong East outlet cooks better.

The anti-mad-cow-disease guy had char grilled chicken. He was complaining that the size of the chicken was smaller than my steak.

Anyway, after the lunch, we went to the fish shop to get some dried blood worms for his fighting fish and dried shrimps for my terrapins. I bet my terrapins will love me more when I present them their new treats.


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