Korean Facial Mask

Previously I wrote about the awesome facial mask which my Korean colleagues bought for us, and I promised to blog about it in a separate post. Ok, so here it is!



Here are the few types of facial masks remaining. I have tried the moisturizing, and tightening masks and I totally love the tightening one!
My face felt lifted after using it. It’s not the extremely tight feeling which some masks do to your face, but it’s the baby skin kind of smooth and tight feeling. I bet I look 2 -3 years younger after using it!

I put the mask on for 20 minutes (although the instruction says 10-15), remove and gently massage the remaining liquid on my face. I waited for my face to dry before rinsing my face. Some people said that it’s good to leave the liquid/mask on the face overnight, but that definitely doesn’t work for me because my hypersensitive skin will declare pimples outbreak the following day.
Anyway, once I rinse my face, I could feel the improvement in my skin! I was so upset that I only got 1 of the tightening mask…

If anyone happens to know where I can get these Korean facial masks (this specific brand), please let me know! I am not going to Korea anytime soon so I hope to get it from online or something. If you have any idea, please share it with me! Thanks a million!!

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